
Learn with passion to live with purpose.

Two organizations from Poland and The Netherlands decided to implement Erasmus+ strategical small scale partnership project "Vulnerable people digital inclusion through digital
volunteering" Project nr.2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000092441

Open to anyone
Learn from best practices
Create value
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Who we are

Team of experienced adult educators working in Poland and The Netherlands.
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What we do

We organize: - Local training - ConnectIon people for volunteer work - Teach digital skills. - Awareness campaign to stimulate volunteering work - Empower, support, introduce elderly people and migrants to engage in digital inclusion - Strengthen adult educators’ competencies to create non-formal learning digital situations - To promote equality of digital inclusion - To promote Erasmus+

How you could be involved

If you are an adult educator please check our created stories and handbook. If you are a volunteer please read about how to become, how to start, and watch videos for inspiration. Do not hesitate and write us:

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein